AnteMotion Virtual Testing and Validation Platform for ADAS


High Quality Services and Technologies For the Mobility Industry

LHP Europe established AnteMotion in partnership with V2R S.r.l and EnginSoft S.r.l with the common goal of providing high-quality engineering services and solutions in the mobility industry. One key focus is the advancement of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) and Autonomous Vehicles (AV), both in safety and function.

Quick and Accurate Technology Solutions

In an effort to quickly and accurately arrive at the best possible technology for autonomous vehicle technology, AnteMotion has created a Simulation Platform that allows us to virtually simulate any and all possibilities the product would face in the real world.

Midgard Graphic Engine

State of the art render engine supporting multiple screens, dome projection systems, and VR headsets. It simulates changing weather, time of day, and camera effects. The engine is open to integration with external third-party modules like road traffic simulation software and real-time vehicle multibody solvers.

Midgard Dataset Generator

Generator for CityScape industry-standard image datasets from simulated scenes. This includes the panoptic (semantic and instance) segmentation, object identification, and classification ground truth, compatible with thousands of existing ML and DNN algorithms.

Procedural Content Generation

Environments are created with a fully automated workflow to streamline the production of virtually endless worlds. It leverages OpenDrive road description files, navigation HD live maps, GIS content, and satellite images to produce realistic drivable environments.

Simulation Framework

Simulation backend based upon industrial communication standards. The framework is open to third-party integrations and it is designed to be real‐time oriented, perfectly distributed, and with advanced storage capabilities.

Learn More About AnteMotion and ADA/AV Capabilities

If you are working with autonomous technologies, AnteMotion offers their expertise in simulating real-world scenarios with your products to strengthen your technologies while improving efficiency and saving valuable resources and time! Contact us to learn more.